像冊 Gallery
Outstanding Volunteer Award (Dec 2024)
Lighting the Advent Candles (Dec 2024)
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Masses (Dec 2024)
Rite of Acceptance Cherie Wong (Dec 2024)
Talk on Luke’s Gospel by Bishop Yvan Mathieu (Dec 2024)
All Souls’ Day Mass presided by Arbp Yvan Mathieu (Nov 2024)
Talk on Luke’s Gospel (Nov 2024)
Getting X’mas cards ready despite Postal Strike (Nov 2024)
Outstanding Volunteer Award (Nov 2024)
From blasting damage to perfection (After) - Thank you so much, Felix, Ryan, and families! (Nov 2024)
Arbp Savio Hon’s Visit & Mass (Oct 2024)
Fellowship with Arbp Savio Hon (Oct 2024)
Outstanding Volunteer Family Award - Yajie Qiu, Ziaolin Kang & family (Oct 2024)
Baby Shower & Fellowship (Sept 2024)
信德園秋收 Faith Garden Harvest (Sept 2024)
中秋 potluck, Karaoke, 及電影欣賞 (Sept 2024)
Mass in MIC Chapel (Sept 2024)
Outstanding Volunteer Award-Anita Cheung (Sept 2024)
Outstanding Volunteer Award-Duan On Lin (Aug 2024)
Completion of CSJ Programs-Annual picnic (Aug 2024)
Completion of CSJ Programs-Car Wash Fundraiser (Aug 2024)
Completion of CSJ Programs-Eucharistic Adoration (Aug 2024)
Completion of CSJ Programs-Tidying & Beautifying (Aug 2024)
Completion of CSJ Programs-Yard Sale (Aug 2024)
Rebuilding the flower beds万分感谢各位的努力 (Aug 2024)
Appreciation Cert. from OCCSC (Aug 2024)
2024.07 CSJ Interns attended BBQ hosted by MP Mona Fortier (July 2024)
CSJ Car Wash Fundraiser (July 2024)
Eucharistic Adoration (July 2024)
Happy Birthday, Peter! (July 2024)
Outstanding Volunteer Award-Maria Sun (July 2024)
Extra Gardening Help (July 2024)
Outstanding Volunteer Award Mrs. Chung and family (Jun 2024)
Hot Day Lawn Mowing & Faith Garden (Jun 2024)
Sr. Chua & friends visiting our church (May 2024)
Remembering the Dedication of the church building 1929 (May 2024)
Congratulations, Esther Lau! Confirmation at Notre Dame Cathedral (May 2024)
Pentecost Workshop presented by Auxiliary Bishop Yvan Mathieu (May 2024)
Outstanding Volunteer Award (May 2024)
Happy birthday to Fr, Liang and Fr. Barnard (Apr 2024)
Outstanding Volunteer Award Louisa Wong (Apr 2024)
Gospel Reflection led by Fr. Joseph Lustig (Apr 2024)
四旬期朝聖默禱 Our Lady of Lourdes Grotto, & Notre Dame Cathedral (Mar 2024)
Holy Thursday 圣周四-主的晚餐 (Mar 2024)
Good Friday - Way of the Cross 拜苦路 (Mar 2024)
Good Friday - The Passion 圣周五-救主苦难礼仪 (Mar 2024)
Easter Vigil圣周六 - 复活庆典夜间礼仪 (Mar 2024)
Mass presided by Arbp Mathieu, celebrating CNY (Feb 2024)
Practice for Chinese New Year Celebration (Jan 2024)
'Ga Tung’ Promotion (Jan 2024)
Outstanding Volunteer Award (Dec 2023)
Happy 65th Birthday, Ceci! (Dec 2023)
Advent Penitential Liturgy (Dec 2023)
Commissioning of Boris Lai as Lector (Dec 2023)
Happy Birthday, Vincent! (Dec 2023)
Christmas Celebration (Dec 2023)
11.01 All Saints Day (Nov 2023)
11.02 All Souls' Day (Nov 2023)
Korean Food & Karaoke Nite (Nov 2023)
Outstanding Volunteer Award (Nov 2023)
Commissioning of Lectors and officers of the Finance Council (Nov 2023)
Feast of Christ the King (Nov 2023)
Sheng Shen 68th Anniversary celebration & Volunteer Appreciation Day (Oct 2023)
Fraud & Cyber Fraud Presentation (Oct 2023)
Outstanding Volunteer Award (Oct 2023)
Happy Birthday Angelina! (Oct 2023)
Lawn mowing, hedges, tree pruning and brush clearance (Sept 2023)
Kyle's first Holy Communion (Sept 2023)
Congratulations, Patient and Noela! Birth of daughter Trinit (Sept 2023)
Mid-Autumn Festival – Guest Performanc (Sept 2023)
Mid-Autumn Festival – Karaoke (Sept 2023)
Mid-Autumn Festival – Community Celebration (Sept 2023)
Car Wash & Bake/Tomato Sale (August 2023)
Visit to MP Chandra Ayra’s office (August 2023)
MP Mona Fortier visited our church and CSJ Team (August 2023)
RBC Anti-Fraud Workshop (August 2023)
Visit Rideau Hall (August 2023)
Good Luck & Best Wishes : Yuo Guo & Cai Lei! (August 2023)
Outstanding Volunteer Award of the Month : John Nung & Ceci Chow (August 2023)
Cody Huang : Volunteer Certificate (August 2023)
Best wishes and Good Luck, Man Li (July 2023)
CSJ Team at MP Mona Fortier’s BBQ (July 2023)
Happy Birthday, Tom & Peter! (July 2023)
Chinese Gala in support of Chinese Unit, Glebe Centre (June 2023)
Chinese Heritage Day (June 2023)
Reception at Nuncio (June 2023)
Archbishop’s visit & celebrating mass at Sheng Shen (June 2023)
Volunteer of the Month Award (June 2023)
2nd office established (June 2023)
Diocesan Feast Day Mass (May 2023)
Baptism of Edison Wing Hong Chow, grandson of Ceci and Gary (May 2023)
Canada Summer Job Program Team (May 2023)
Gift to Sheng Shen Pastoral Centre from MIC Sisters (May 2023)
New Planters. Thx Mr. Lee & Alain! (May 2023)
Good Friday-Way of the Cross (Apr 2023)
Good Friday-The Passion (Apr 2023)
First Mass Celebration at Sheng Shen Pastoral Centre (Apr 2023)
Birthday Celebrations of Fr. Liang, Fr. Barnard, and Nicholas (Apr 2023)
Happy Retirement and thank you, Suk-lan! (Apr 2023)
Sunday Masses during Lent (Mar 2023)
Happy Birthday to Archbishop Marcel (Mar 2023)
St. Blaise's Feast Mass (Feb 2023)
The Rite of Honouring Ancestors (Feb 2023)
Eucharistic Adoration (Feb 2023)
Eng.Mass celebrated by Fr. Edmund Lo (Feb 2023)
Grand Opening of Sheng Shen Pastoral Centre (Jan 2023)
Yangtze restuarant gathering (Jan 2023)
Sheng Shen Pastoral Centre-Before renovation (Jan 2023)
Sheng Shen Pastoral Centre-Volunteers at work (Jan 2023)
Sheng Shen Pastoral Centre-After renovation (Jan 2023)
Advent Candle Lighting (Dec 2022)
X’mas Buffet Lunch at Mandarin Buffet Restaurant (Dec 2022)
OCCSC Youth Project Year-end Party in our hall (Dec 2022)
Christmas Celebration (Dec 2022)
Poon Choi Winter Solstice (Dec 2022)
Christmas decoration (Dec 2022)
9.30 a.m. English Mass (Nov 2022)
Thank you, Clean-up Team! (Nov 2022)
Christmas Cards designed by Lydia Nung, and hand-made by Ceci Chow (Nov 2022)
Lighting the candle at Advent (Nov 2022)
Fr. Edmund Lo’s Visit & fellowship (Nov 2022)
B.l.e.s.s. Workshop (Oct 2022)
English Mass, presided by Arbp Pendergast con-celebrated by Fr. Barnard (Oct 2022)
Patio under contruction (Oct 2022)
Pastoral Council Meeting (Oct 2022)
Sing Wai (聲威) Ensemble (Sept 2022)
B.l.e.s.s workshop (Sept 2022)
Visiting MIC Sisters (Aug 2022)
Patient & Noella Tea Ceremony (Aug 2022)
Pastoral Council Mtg (Aug 2022)
Congratulations, Patient & Noella, wedding in Winnipeg (Aug 2022)
B.l.e.s.s. Workshop (July 2022)
Live-streaming Papal Mass in Edmonton (July 2022)
Happy Retirement, Msgr.Kevin Beach! (July 2022)
Thank you, Alain & Linda, John & May Nung, for the tractor! (July 2022)
Commissioning of Lectors (July 2022)
Outreach Sponsorship Cert. of Appreciation by Glebe Centre (June 2022)
Happy Birthday, Therese Yuen! (June 2022)
Pastoral Council Meeting (June 2022)
Children’s Liturgy (June 2022)
Father’s Day Celebration (June 2022)
Donation of vases. Thank you, Louisa & Alain! (June 2022)
Congratulations, Teresa & Fred Szeto, on your 40th Wedding Anniversary (May 2022)
Church basement door repainted, railing & emergency exit repaired (May 2022)
Nathan Lau's Baptism (May 2022)
Mother’s Day Celebration (May 2022)
Happy Birthday, Fr. Liang & Fr. Barnard (Apr 2022)
教區慨贈傢具。教友熱心運送並妥善儲存,為團體藏富 (Apr 2022)
Pastoral Council Mtg (Mar 2022)
English Mass & Fellowship (Mar 2022)
Thank you, volunteers–Superb organisation & very intense labour (Mar 2022)
Honouring the Ancestors (Feb 2022)
CNY Mass Celebrated by Archbishop Marcel (Feb 2022)
Happy Birthday–Serena Tsang & Louisa Wong (Feb 2022)
New Year’s Day Mass (Jan 2022)
Pastoral Council Meeting (Jan 2022)
Advent Penitential Service (Dec 2021)
Christmas Day Mass Live-streamed (Dec 2021)
Live-streaming Christmas Eve Mass (Dec 2021)
9.30 a.m. English Mass (Dec 2021)
Lighting of Advent Candles (Dec 2021)
Thank you, David & Chor Yee, for donating the furniture (Dec 2021)
Ceci Chow’s B-Day Blessing (Dec 2021)
Pastoral Council Mtg (Nov 2021)
Mr. & Mrs. One Tone (Nov 2021)
Blessings & Best wishes , David & Chor Yee Chan (Nov 2021)
Joyful Snapshots of Faith Garden 2021信德园剪影 (Oct 2021)
Adoration & Benediction (Oct 2021)
Mid-Autumn Festival & Movie (Sept 2021)
Home-grown apples from Fr.Liang (Sept 2021)
Maria Sun commissioned as Financial Council member (August 2021)
GT21 Art Fundraiser (August 2021)
A HUGE Zucchino Rampicante from Pallavi. Thank you! (August 2021)
Fellowship after Mass (August 2021)
Rosary Recitation (August 2021)
Welcoming Committee – Adoration & Fellowship (August 2021)
Pastoral Centre Progress – Drilling for Soil Test (August 2021)
Sr. Aline’s Funeral Mass (July 2021)
Statue of Our Lady A Gift from Chris (July 2021)
Graduates of 2020 & 2021 (July 2021)
信德園豐收 Fresh Produce from Faith Garden (July 2021)
Commissioning of Lectors (July 2021)
After-Mass Fellowship (July 2021)
9.30.a.m. English Mass (July 2021)
Pastoral Youth Centre Presentation (June 2021)
06.19 Spirit Weekend (June 2021)
Congratulations, Graduates–Classes of 2020 & 2021 (June 2021)
Faith Garden vegetables growing fast (June 2021)
Virtual Rosary Praying (June 2021)
Pentecost Novena An Introduction by Fr. Barnard (May 2021)
Archbishop Marcel celebrating Pentecost Mass (Live Stream) (May 2021)
Thank you, Adam & Rosa for your donations (June 2021)
Virtual Rosary Recitation (May 2021)
May 13 Pastoral Council Mtg (May 2021)
Thank you, Alain & Mr. Lee Ming, for lawn mowing on a VERY VERY HOT day (May 2021)
May 2021 Faith Garden is launched (May 2021)
Pastoral Council Meeting (Apr 2021)
Online Rosary Praying (Apr 2021)
Happy Birthday, Fr. Liang (04.18) & Fr. Barnard (04.17) (Apr 2021)
Baptism of Yajie, Xiaolin & family (Apr 2021)
Virtual Way of the Cross (Mar 2021)
1st Scrutiny of Yajie, Xiaolin & family (Mar 2021)
CNY Mass celebrated by Archbishop Damphousse (Live Stream) (Feb 2021)
Congratulations, Vincent! (Jan 2021)
Virtual Rosary Praying (Jan 2021)
Pastoral Council Mtg & AGM (Jan 2021)
Penitential Service (Dec 2020)
Lighting of Advent Candles (Dec 2020)
Sunday Masses before the Boxing Day Lockdown (Dec 2020)
Thank you, Kilborn Diocesan Centre,for the furniture (Dec 2020)
Online Rosary Recitation in December 2020 (Dec 2020)
Archbishop Pendergast Celebrating Silver Jubilee of His Episcopal Service (Dec 2020)
Inaugural Mass of Archbishop Marcel Damphousse (Dec 2020)
9:30 a.m. English Mass (Dec 2020)
Getting ready for Live Streaming (Dec 2020)
Christmas Decoration (Dec 2020)
Sunday Masses during the Pandemic (Nov 2020)
Celebrating 65th Anniversary Mass/Presentation/Variety Show (Nov 2020)
Rite of Acceptance family of Yajie Qiu & Xiaolin Kang (Nov 2020)
Working on Live Streaming (Nov 2020)
9:30 a.m.English Mass (Nov 2020)
Our Gorgeous 65th Anniversary/Christmas Cards (Nov 2020)
Pastoral Council Meeting (Nov 2020)
New Surveillance Cameras (Oct 2020)
Happy 70th Birthday, Fred! (Oct 2020)
Youth-Organized Virtual 聖神才藝共享 (Oct 2020)
Ze Feng Wang’s Baptism (Oct 2020)
Baptisms of Stephen & Grace Ha (Oct 2020)
Worshipping God on Sundays (Oct 2020)
Lawn mowed & winterized (Oct 2020)
1st Scrutiny of Stephen & Grace Ha, and Ze Feng Wang (Sept 2020)
Virtual Rosary Praying in September 2020 (Sept 2020)
Muscular Team Moving "HEAVY" Boxes of library books (Sept 2020)
Repairs, maintenance, and new counter top Aug 2020)
Growing Attendance of English Mass (Aug 2020)
Sunday Masses during the pandemic (Aug 2020)
More Cuisine from Faith Garden (Aug 2020)
Virtual Pastoral Council Meeting (Aug 2020)
Congratulations, Sr. Hong, on your Golden Jubilee to Consecrated Life (Aug 2020)
Congratulations, Jimmy, on your 80th Birthday (Aug 2020)
First English Mass after church re-opening (Jul 2020)
First English Mass after church re-opening (Jul 2020)
Alain and Lee Ming fixing the door, before and after (Jul 2020)
Faith Garden Harvest and Culinary Delights 2020)
Archbishop Prendergast's Generous Response (Jul 2020)
Thank you, Your Grace! (Jul 2020)
Fr.Liang's Birthday Blessing for Peter (Jul 2020)
Fr. Barnard's first Sunday Mass at SSCCC (Jul 2020)
Online Rosary Saying in June 2020 (Jun 2020)
Fr. Barnard's Ordination to Priesthood (Jun 2020)
Church Reopening - Second Sunday Mass (Jun 2020)