最新活動 Latest Events

1. 堂区现由本年一月十九日起,每主日増添早上九时三十分一台青年弥撒。欢迎参与。
Effective 19 January 2025, there will be 9:30 a.m. Youth Mass celebration on every Sunday. All are welcome to participate.

2. 由於最近郵政局員工罷工郵遞停頓事故, 加拿大稅務局現修訂2024年捐款慈善機構期限條例, 延长至2025年2月28日. 捐款人如在 2025年1月1日至 2月28日內以現金, 支票, 信用咭, 匯票 , 電子支付或 証劵捐贈堂區, 可獲退稅收條遞交 2024年度稅務.
To address disruptions caused by the recent Canada Post mail stoppage, Canada Revenue Agency will administer the 2024 deadline extension for charity donation up to February 28, 2025.
Donation receipt for submission of 2024 tax return can be provided for donation received by the parish , in the form of cash, cheque, credit card, money order, electronic payment or securities between January 1, 2025.

3. 渥太华/康沃尔 教区定于今年七月廿七日至八月六日, 由 Fr. Connor O'Hara 带领青年举办 "禧年罗马朝圣之旅".  现尚有大约十位空缺, 欢迎十八岁或以上的青年参与. 查询可致电邮地址 ottawayouthjubilee@gmail.com
The Ottawa/Cornwall Diocese has scheduled, as accompanied by Fr. Connor O'Hara, to run a "Jubilee in Rome Pilgrimage" from July 27th to August 6 this year for youth. There is a vacancy of 10 spaces and youth of age 18 or above are welcome to enroll. For inquiry, please write to ottawayouthjubilee@gmail.com 

4. 三月五日(星期三)圣灰礼仪定于晚上七时举行, 是日应守大小斋。
Ash Wednesday liturgy is scheduled on 5 March at 7 p.m. It is a day of obligation for abstinence and fasting.